Ich werde hier meine Kurzgeschichten veroeffentlichen, die ich waehrend der aktuellen Schauspielschule die ich gerade in Australien absolviere:
Diese sind in Englisch geschrieben. (Mein Englisch ist nicht perfekt aber ich versuche mein Bestes.)
#I - Nevermind
She is in her family-van. George tries to calm the kids and the dog is barking in the back. Emma is a lawyer, she went to Yale and has a phenomenal Job in London: Very good payment, big Name, good reputation. George and her met about ten years ago, in breakfast-lounge across the street from her office in New York City. After a few months of dating, she got pregnant. After Kim was old enough they moved to London. Now they are on their way to the grandparents of the kids. Kim and Charlie. Kim is 9, Charlie 4. Emma often thinks she were way more successful, if she hasn't got unprotected Sex, if those annoying, sobbing, screaming, disrespectful and unintelligent dwarfs just never happened to be born. She loved George, when he got time for her and they had romantic dates, but this time was over, when Charlie came. When Emma got pregnant again, by accident of course, all the fun and romance died. Her Job is good, they've a wealthy lifestyle, but she thinks she is to young to not have fun. During the drive, she thinks about so many possibilities how to get rid of this situation. She drives on the Highway 90 km/h, 100 km/h,.... She kind of spaces out.
She thinks about long club nights, sex, alcohol, parties, fun, but she's caught in this horrortrip called family. She doesn't work as efficient as she wants to be, 'cause she barely sleeps.What if...
What if she just breaks out, just run from this suffering. George has a solid job as an architect and he's also chairman of a big electronics company. She thinks about Kim and Charlie, but whatever, life is hard and unfair!
She slows down and turns in to a gas station. She fills her car up with gas and sees a taxi standing on the other gas pump. A whole scenario starts in her mind, a final solution, her way out. She goes in to pay and sees an attractive latino paying for the taxi. "Hey, can you drive me to London?" she is surprised about herself. He turns around: "I'm sorry, what was that?" His voice was clear melodic and friendly. "Ehm... Nevermind." She rushed to the counter, payed and went back to the van, without looking back.